Sunday, November 04, 2007

"Not Guilty!" - Boxer Dog Art

Not Guilty - pencil ACEO by Ann Ranlett
Click the image for the eBay auction

Another ACEO - this one featuring Hillary the boxer with a great expression! She looks like she's been busted for doing something really bad - but she hasn't. She was just looking up at me and I managed to capture this guilty look with my camera. I met Hillary a few years ago when I was taking photos of her for a portrait. This is not the pose I used for her portrait, but I've always loved this photo. In fact I used it for reference for one of my "Paintings with Petzazz" paintings.

Here's the original photo:
Hillary - photo by Ann Ranlett

I flipped it, cropped it and made a greyscale version for the ACEO:
Hillary - cropped photo Hillary - cropped photo, grey

Here's the Petzazz painting:
Not Me - watercolor painting by Ann Ranlett
I've also made earrings of this image - check them out in my eBay store.

And finally, here's the commissioned portrait of Hillary:
Hillary - ink on scratchboard portrait by Ann Ranlett
She's a bit more distinguished in this version, don't you think?

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