
Friday, January 29, 2010

Just a short post for today.
I "llamatized" my cell phone recently and wanted to share the result. I found out about Unique Skins from one of my Twitter friends (CallMaggie). She had put her artwork on her iPhone and I looked into doing the same for my cell phone.

The process was relatively simple with their on-line layout. I opted for the "scratch resistant skin", then selected my cell phone model which brought up a design template for my phone. I plastered the template with images of my Llemon-Llime Llama painting. In less than 10 days I received the "skin" which was die-cut to fit my phone and went on easily. I'd describe it as a "heavy duty vinyl sticker". I had to make a tiny cut in two tabs along the side so the skin would fit better over a curved part, but otherwise, the skin fit perfectly.

The photos are a tad blurry, but it's pretty obvious that my phone is now covered in llama!

Oh, and that's our dog, Magpie on the phone screen.


- - - All art and images ©Ann Ranlett, unless otherwise credited. All rights reserved. - - -
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