"Happy Guy" Pit Bull Terrier Mini Drawing

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

My first new ACEO for May, a happy, smilin' American Pit Bull Terrier. This pencil drawing is now available on eBay, click on the image to see the listing.

For reference, I used a wonderful photo provided by the director of Pit Prints Rescue. She e-mailed a bunch of great photos, so you'll be seeing more pittie art from me. I'm donating 15% of the final sale price of this piece to Pit Prints.

Happy Guy - pencil drawing by Ann Ranlett. Click to see the eBay auction
ACEO format: 2.5" x 3.5"
Graphite pencil


- - - All art and images ©Ann Ranlett, unless otherwise credited. All rights reserved. - - -
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