New Pet Portraits

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Four recent pet portrait commissions to post:

Watercolor on Yupo, 8" x 8"

Watercolor on Yupo, 8" x 8"

Zola & Lucy Bell
Watercolor on Yupo, 5" x 7"
Check out the mosaic art by their mom - Dorothy Edwards. I traded this portrait for an animal themed mirror and a mosaic bottle.

Miss Gabby
Watercolor on Yupo, 8" x 8"
A bit of explanation on this one - Gabby's owner (Barbara Burns, also an artist) is in Texas and she provided the reference photos, since TX is not exactly close enough for me to hop on over and do a photo shoot. A couple of the photos were of Gabby in a tent where she liked to hang out. In discussions with Barbara, we decided the portrait should show Gabby in the tent. So I combined two photos for reference for the portrait. It's not obvious in the final portrait, but those that know Gabby know what it is and the colors of the tent made a nice composition with the bright colors.

These are the reference photos I used:


Anonymous August 31, 2008 at 2:21 PM  

Ann's portrait of Miss Gabby is gloriously marvelous ... I love it and it made me cry when I opened the package and saw the original for the first time.

I was Miss Gabby's "Golden Years Retirement Home" ... lol ... my daughter and grandson were the real love of Gab's life ... Grandma was third place in her heart which was exactly right in my world.

When my daughter remarried, Miss Gabby was ill, old, cranky and not friendly to the new step-children - she needed a retirement home for her safety and well-being just as much as the new human family member's needed to be safe in their new home.

Living with Grandma was the perfect answer ... just down the street, 24 hour access to Gabs for those moments when missing her was too much to bear for my daughter or my grandson, and Gabs still had a yard full of squirrels to watch [and bark at] through the patio doors.

I've always loved and admired Ann's Pet Portraits with Petzazz ... they are full of bright colors, life, vim, vigor and vitality - she is a pet portrait genius in my opinion.

I asked Ann to do Gabby's portrait right after we lost Miss Gabby to her illness ... I wanted a memorial gift for my daughter to keep and treasure forever of her lost best friend.

I highly recommend Ann's artwork - she is an exceptionally talented and gifted artist who perfectly captured Miss Gabby's looks, spirit, personality and aura from a few snapshots and email conversations.

Ann is a very professional artist, her packaging for shipment of the painting was terrific and the finished product arrived in perfect condition and it's beauty took my breath away.

Thank you so much Ann for such a wonderful family portrait we can treasure now and forever as a family heirloom for generations to come!

- - - All art and images ©Ann Ranlett, unless otherwise credited. All rights reserved. - - -
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