Birding in Texas - Day 4

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Today we headed back to Sabine Woods since we had such a great time there yesterday. Unfortunately, it was much quieter today - still good, but much less bird activity. We had 8 new species for the day and at least one life bird for me. Cerulean Warbler is a life bird for sure, but a few others may have been. I'm not all that great at keeping track of my life list, so American Golden Plover, Philadelphia Warbler and Gray-cheeked Thrush were probably life birds for me. At the very least I got better looks at these species today than I have in the past. Another notable bird was the Ovenbird - just because I like them. They skulk around on and near the ground, not as striking as many warblers, but still lovely.

Ovenbirds are tough to photograph because they skulk around on the ground in the underbrush.

Larry, Moe & Curly - three of 11 mottled duck ducklings in Sabine Woods.

Black-throated Green Warbler. These handsome warblers were plentiful during our first day in Sabine Woods. John got better photos of them today.

"What large nostrils you have!" Cattle Egret and cow. Photo taken on Hwy 87 near Sabine Woods.

Cottonmouth (aka Water Moccasin) snakes are excellent swimmers. This one was swimming toward us, we were very glad that it changed course and headed for the opposite shore.

I've posted more photos from Day 4 on Flickr.


Wendy Wright April 26, 2010 at 8:24 PM  

What fabulous photos! Glad that snake changed it's course! :) Looks like you are having a wonderful time! :)

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