River Otter Illustration

Friday, July 09, 2010

Staff at the Sacramento Zoo commissioned this drawing of a river otter and I finished it last week. Earlier this year, the Zoo had commissioned otters on ostrich eggs for their annual golf tournament. The eggs are given as awards at the tourney. One of the Zoo goals this year is to raise funds to enhance the existing otter habitat, so otters were the critter of choice for that fund-raising event. The drawing will be used on note cards that staff will send to select recipients.

The drawing measures approx. 5.5" x 8". This is one of the few ink drawings that isn't on scratchboard. I drew this on smooth Bristol (a heavy paper) with black Micron pens in two sizes (.20 & .25 mm).

These are the ostrich eggs for the Golf Tournament. I use India ink in Rapidograph technical pens for these drawings. Visit this page of my web site for more ostrich egg art.

The reference photo I used was provided by the San Francisco Zoo. Staff at the Sacramento Zoo got permission for me to use it.

Here's a detail of the drawing:

The original has sold - I'll donate a portion of the proceeds to the Sacramento and San Francisco Zoos.


- - - All art and images ©Ann Ranlett, unless otherwise credited. All rights reserved. - - -
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