Warning - Extreme Cuteness Ahead!

Saturday, July 03, 2010

You may have noticed there aren't a lot of cat photos on my blog. That's because I'm allergic to cats, so I just don't spend as much time around them as I do with dogs or other critters, which limits the feline photo opps. I can be around cats for a while, but I have to be really careful not to touch my face after I've petted them (and to wash my hands when I'm done petting). There's just no way I can visit with our feline friends without petting them, so I just have to be careful and limit my exposure. I really like cats and find them fascinating - if it weren't for the allergies (John's allergic too, even worse than I am), I'd have at least one cat of my own.

Today though, I had a donation to drop off at FieldHaven Feline Rescue and I took my camera with me. I visit FieldHaven on occasion and they always have a nice assortment of wonderful, photogenic cats. I knew that they took in some teeny kittens recently (read the story here) and hoped to get some photos of them as well. I wasn't denied! I'll start out with a few cat photos so you can work up to the super cute kittens at the end. There were a couple of dogs there today too, one of the volunteers brought hers along to help socialize the cats. The dogs were very well behaved and most of the cats didn't seem to mind their presence.

OK, you were warned!! Here are the kittens!!

If you'd like to help support FieldHaven's efforts, you can make a donation on their web site or perhaps attend their upcoming fund-raising event in September: "Classics, Cats & Cabernet". I've donated a framed painting of a Sphynx cat to the event.


Jennifer Rose July 4, 2010 at 2:55 AM  

awwwwwwwww! :) i love cats, but my John's allergic too :/ they are such interesting animals to watch and have in your life (just wish people around here would spay and neuter their cats)

Wendy Wright July 4, 2010 at 7:32 AM  

Beautiful pictures! So cute!

Tori Orr July 27, 2010 at 7:55 PM  

Ann, how nice to see Jcee still a part of things. I just visited your blog on a lark after one of your emails and noticed his portrait. I'm quite touched, still after all this time. I miss him of course so it's so nice to see a gentle reminder. Thank you.

- - - All art and images ©Ann Ranlett, unless otherwise credited. All rights reserved. - - -
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