Assorted Cat Portraits

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Playing catch-up here. . .
These are portraits that have been finished for a while. I just hadn't gotten around to posting them until now.

First up is Wonkers. She was a beautiful and tough old girl. She had some chronic health problems but lived much longer than anyone thought she would. Her portrait is in ink/ink wash on scratchboard.

Here's a video of the progress:

I do have the individual scans of her portrait, but I'm blogging from a remote location without access to my main computer (internet's been down at home for a while), so I won't be posting those as I usually do.

"Wonkers, 6" x 6", Ink/Ink Wash/Watercolor (eyes) on Scratchboard"

Next is Mr. Fatty, a Munchkin cat (very short legs & stubby tail). This drawing is an ACEO in pencil, with blue color pencil for accent on his eye and the rug. This portrait was commissioned by Mr. Fatty's "aunt" (an artist friend who goes by the name "Golders") for her sister.

"Mr. Fatty, 2.5" x 3.5", Pencil & Color Pencil"

These are the reference photos in color & greyscale:

Last up is Trooper, who belongs to one of my friends. This is another ACEO drawing in pencil. I used color pencil on her ears & eyes.

"Trooper, 2.5" x 3.5", Pencil & Color Pencil"

My first idea was to do a dramatic crop for the portrait, with one of the photos my friend provided. Like this:

. . . but she really wanted to have both of Trooper's eyes in the portrait. So I used this photo and then cropped it.

So these are the reference photos in color & greyscale. I rotated them slightly to make her eyes level.


- - - All art and images ©Ann Ranlett, unless otherwise credited. All rights reserved. - - -
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