Open Studio & Salmon Art

Saturday, September 29, 2012

I'm gearing up for another Open Studio event and this time, I'm part of a group of artists in my area. The Newcastle Art Studios Tour debuts on October 13th and 14th. This free tour of 5 locations showcases the work of 12 artists. For more details and a printable map, visit our web site. I'm #4 on the map. I'll have some new watercolor on Yupo paintings and some new scratchboard drawings since my last open studio in May. One of the paintings is of Ernie, the loveable shop dog at Clover and Carriage, my friend's shop in Old Town Auburn.

I'm really enjoying having my own permanent studio space, it's so much easier to set up for an open studio event. I don't have to pull everything out of storage to set up and when I'm finished, I don't have to put the displays away. There is some housekeeping to do: spiderwebs to knock down, some insects to vacuum up, some dusting, but that's a piece of cake compared to major set up and tear down!

On a different note, I completed this drawing of a salmon last week, just barely in time to enter it in the art show at the local "Calling Back the Salmon Celebration". I'm really glad I pushed to get it finished because not only am I very pleased with how it turned out, but it took Second Place in the art show! It will be hanging in a restaurant (Buonarroti) for the month of October, along with the other art show entries. Thanks to Art League of Lincoln for their assistance with the art show and coordinating the display at the restaurant.


Anonymous September 29, 2012 at 10:21 PM  

Love it! Such a great page Ann-and showcases Ernie and the salmon so beautifully. Boof boof-Ernie high five! :)

AnnRan September 30, 2012 at 12:23 AM  

Thanks for the high-five, Ernie! Love ya :-)

Gail H. Ragsdale September 30, 2012 at 12:20 PM  

Can't tell you how much I wished I still lived in El Dorado Hills. I'd be on the tour in a heartbeat!

Love the Salmon. What detail! Congratulations on the award!

- - - All art and images ©Ann Ranlett, unless otherwise credited. All rights reserved. - - -
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