Double Trouble - Kitten Art

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

"Double Trouble" is a scratchboard drawing of two kitten siblings. I took the reference photo many years ago and started the drawing a while back also. It was a demo piece, so I was in no rush to complete it, but I finally finished it earlier this year and realized I had never posted it to my blog.

For this drawing, I used EssDee Professional Scraperboard (which is no longer available) and Koh-i-noor UltraDraw ink. I applied the undiluted ink with both a brush and a Rapidograph pen. I also applied washes of ink, diluting it with water into three shades (light, medium & dark). I used a #16 X-Acto blade for scratching. The drawing area measures approximately 4.5" x 6.5". "Double Trouble" is available and it's matted to fit an 8" x 10" frame (white mat with black core). Please contact me if you're interested in purchasing this piece.

Stage 1 - Black and shades of grey blocked in

Stage 2 - Fur texture scratched in to soften and blend

Stage 3 - Washes of ink added, some black added with the tech pen

Stage 4 - More scratching

Final - Fine tuning with scratching, ink washes and pen

Detail of the finished drawing

Animated Image


- - - All art and images ©Ann Ranlett, unless otherwise credited. All rights reserved. - - -
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