Mini Scratchboard Drawings

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

These two small scratchboard drawings are available. I started them as demo pieces and I just finished the border collie. In fact, I still need to spray it with sealer, I'm just waiting for a day with minimal humidity! The llama has been finished for a little while. Each is $125 plus shipping (and tax if purchased in CA). You can either "buy now" via the PayPal button below the drawing, or contact me (annranlett [at] if you're not a fan of PayPal. Please note that I ship only to the US, UK, Australia or Canada. Price as shown below plus $5 additional shipping (sales tax will be added if you're a California resident). A small wooden easel is also included with either drawing.

Llama, Original Scratchboard Drawing, 3" x 5"
on Ampersand Scratchbord™

"Ship to" Country


"Ready to Work" - Border Collie, 2.75" x 4.75"
on Ampersand Claybord™

"Ship to" Country

If you'd like to see other works I have available, please visit my "Available Art" album on Facebook.


- - - All art and images ©Ann Ranlett, unless otherwise credited. All rights reserved. - - -
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