"Comb-Over" - Chicken Art

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

"Comb-Over", 4" x 6", Ink on Scratchboard

This is an ink on scratchboard drawing I started as a demo in one of my classes ages ago and I only recently finished it. These demo or "just for me" drawings often languish for a while until I find the time to complete them.

The lovely hen in this drawing is Tootsie; she has passed on, but she belonged to Stacey Lamothe, an artist buddy of mine.

Detail of "Comb-Over"

More Detail of "Comb-Over"

The original drawing is available and I've matted it to fit an 8" x 10" frame. The mat is white with a black core (line around the inside edge). I'll have it on hand an art show on December 4th. If it doesn't sell there, I'm not sure where it will end up next, either at the Auburn Old Town Gallery or one of my on-line shops (Etsy or Bonanza). Of course, if you're interested in purchasing this drawing, please contact me!

Tootsie was the subject of two other pieces:

"Henny Penny" in watercolor on Yupo

"Chicken in Charge" in mixed media

Materials used for "Comb-Over":
Paris Brand Scratchboard, white - a note on this: I started using this brand when EssDee changed their scratchboard, now the Paris is impossible to find, so I've switched to Ampersand Claybord for my non-commissioned scratchboard work.
Saral Transfer Paper (Graphite) - for transferring the photo to the scratchboard surface.
Koh-I-Noor UltraDraw Ink
Koh-I-Noor Rapidograph Pens
X-Acto Knife with #16 Blade
Watercolor Brushes, no particular brand, rounds & flats, various sizes. I use brushes that I've retired from watercolor use or I buy inexpensive synthetic ones.


- - - All art and images ©Ann Ranlett, unless otherwise credited. All rights reserved. - - -
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