"Madison" Golden Retriever Portrait

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Finished yesterday is this ink on scratchboard portrait of the lovely Madison, a very sweet girl who puts up with her much younger rambunctious "brother" Morgan, also a golden retriever. There's a portrait of Morgan in the works too.

"Madison", 8" x 8", ink & ink wash on Essdee scratchboard

The reference photo (the original color version and the same one converted to greyscale):

There's about a half inch more portrait at the bottom than there is photo, I just extended the fur to fill in that gap. There's also some harsh lighting in the photo - more shadow than I'd like and some pretty bright areas. I rectified that when I was working on the portrait. I also made her a little less grey around the muzzle and eyes - turning back the clock a bit.

I didn't scan the entire process on this portrait, but I did take a photo of the early stage, just after I had painted in the ink washes. The darkest areas are full-strength India ink applied with brush and technical pen. All the grey tones are various shades of washes of India ink applied with a brush.

You can see how rough this stage is - since I'm working on scratchboard, I know I'll be able to smooth that all out with subsequent scratching and washes of ink. At this point, I just want the portrait blocked in with the correct shape and tones.

Here are some details of the final portrait so you can see the scratching and ink work.


Materials used for "Madison":
Essdee Scratchboard - a note on this, the board has changed from the stash that I have, it's thinner and more ivory in color. I don't like it nearly as much and have pretty much stopped using it. The stash that I have is like gold to me now! For non-commissioned scratchboard pieces, I use Ampersand Claybord.
Saral Transfer Paper (Graphite) - for transferring the photo to the scratchboard surface.
Koh-I-Noor UltraDraw Ink
Koh-I-Noor Rapidograph Pens
X-Acto Knife with #16 Blade
Graphite Pencils - Faber Castell 9000 - for adding fine hairs around the edges of the portrait and a few areas within the portrait.
Watercolor Brushes, no particular brand, rounds & flats, various sizes. I use brushes that I've retired from watercolor use or I buy inexpensive synthetic ones.

- - - All art and images ©Ann Ranlett, unless otherwise credited. All rights reserved. - - -
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