New Home for ACEOs

Thursday, January 18, 2007

I've just found a new web site from which I can offer my collection of ACEOs. (Click here for a refresher course on ACEOs, aka Art Trading Cards.) It's a very small collection right now - but I'm trying to expand it! My plan is to list each new card on eBay, and then the ones that don't sell will be available on the new site: I could offer them on my own web site, but the benefit of ArtCardsWanted is that it provides strength in numbers. Collectors looking for ACEOs are more likely to find an all-ACEO site than my web site. Of course, I have a link to ArtCardsWanted on my site.

As I finish new cards, I'll post them here - if you'd like to be notified when new ones become available, either subscribe to receive e-mail updates (there's a subscribe box in the left column) or create you own RSS feed (click the orange button in the subscribe box). If you'd rather not do either, just check Spike - ACEO, watercolor & color pencilback here every so often.

Here are 2 of my latest ACEOs:
"Spike", is currently available on eBay (through the evening of Jan. 23rd). Spike is a young blacktail deer buck that stopped on our road one day last year - he stayed just long enough for me to snap a few photos before gracefully bounding away.

Puppy Love #1 - ACEO, watercolor and color pencil"Puppy Love #1" is also on eBay ('til about 5 pm on Jan. 25). I had fun creating "Puppy Love", and I figured with Valentine's Day on the horizon, it might be a good idea to have another one available, so I made "Puppy Love #2" (also listed on eBay).
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AnnRan January 28, 2007 at 6:25 PM  

Spike & Puppy Love #1 are now available on

AnnRan February 9, 2007 at 6:52 PM  

I decided to frame "Spike". He's now living with my collection of art for sale at the Auburn Old Town Gallery in Auburn CA.

- - - All art and images ©Ann Ranlett, unless otherwise credited. All rights reserved. - - -
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