Bird Bath Ice Sculpture

Monday, January 15, 2007

Bird Bath Ice Sculpture #1Bird Bath Ice Sculpture #2It's been very cold here in our neck of the woods - nothing compared to many parts of the country, but cold for us in the Sacramento CA region (yes, we're spoiled). It's been below freezing for a couple of nights in a row and the highs have only been in the 40's. When the freeze warning came, my husband & I went around the house and wrapped pipes and left outside faucets to drip. The most fascinating result was what happened to our bird bath. We have a dripper line attached to the tree above it, so that the water drips into the bath (the wild birds love that). Of course, we left it dripping so the line wouldn't freeze. These photos show the result - the first one was taken on Saturday, 2 days into the "big freeze" and the 2nd photo was taken Sunday. The spire was nearly 3' tall on Sunday! It's melted a bit today, so it looks more like the first photo. I took a number of close ups of the icicles and the textures - could make for an interesting drawing one of these days!


- - - All art and images ©Ann Ranlett, unless otherwise credited. All rights reserved. - - -
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