More Finished Portraits!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Kassie - Bernese Mountain Dog - watercolor on YupoKassie - ink & watercolor on scratchboardThis is my latest "cluster" of completed portraits. I have another cluster of 3 that are nearly finished. These clusters consist of 3 or 4 portraits in various stages of completion - it helps to be able to pick up, say a scratchboard portrait that needs some scratching or a watercolor portrait that needs a background, so I'm not doing the exact same thing for an entire stretch of time. I love what I do, but sometimes I'm in the mood to work on one type of portrait vs. another - so this gives me some variety & options.

The portrait of Kassie (above), the Bernese Mountain Dog is the second portrait I've done of this sweet girl. Some time ago, her mom commissioned a more traditional portrait (that's it, next to the purple one) and then when I began working in my "Paintings with Petzazz" style, she wanted a new portrait in that style.

Riggs, Golden Retriever - ink on scratchboardBrook, Golden Retriever - ink on scratchboardI also completed portraits of Riggs & Brook - 2 golden retrievers. The gal who commissioned Riggs' portrait wanted to give the portrait to her daughter (Riggs' mom) for Christmas. Little did she know that her other daughter had contacted me to go ahead and create a portrait of my client's dog: Brook. I had taken photos of both dogs, because my client had indicated that she would like a portrait of Brook someday. So, the other daughter and I had fun sneaking around behind her mom's back to get this portrait finished for Christmas. My client was totally surprised and touched - it was a very rewarding project!

Tigger - Watercolor on Yupo

. . . And this one of Tigger - who's actually a grey tabby. When I discussed the color scheme with my client (for this portrait and one of another cat that's in progress) she came up with "Bryce Canyon" - which is one of her parents' favorite places - the 2 cat portraits are gifts for her parents. So Tigger became orange, purple & maroon - the color of Bryce Canyon rocks with a background of vibrant blue & purple, like the Bryce sky.

Siegfried, Paint Horse - ink on scratchboardAnd finally, we have Siegfried - a horse portrait that I've been working on for some time. His mom has commissioned lots of portraits of her "kids" - 2 dogs, 2 cats, a cockatiel, Siegfried's mom and now "Sigi". All my clients have been wonderful, but repeat clients like this one are extra special!

Well - time to get back to work - lots more portraits on the drawing board! I always have more "in the hopper" as I pretty much hold steady at between 25 and 30 portraits on my commission list. I sometimes worry that nothing new will come in, but it seems that just when I finish/deliver a portrait I get a call for a new one - that's always a relief!


Anonymous July 27, 2013 at 1:17 AM  

You are amazing all these blogs are so real:) I Love your work

AnnRan July 27, 2013 at 1:30 AM  

Thsnk you!

- - - All art and images ©Ann Ranlett, unless otherwise credited. All rights reserved. - - -
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