Hugs for Pugs

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Pug Mug - watercolor ACEO by Ann RanlettAs part of a pug promo week for one of the eBay artists' groups, I created these two brightly colored pug paintings. They're watercolor/mixed media in the ACEO format (2.5" x 3.5"). Pugs were bred to be companion animals and are personable "people dogs". Even though they may have "a face only a mother could love", they make wonderful pets for folks that have lots of love to give. I've never owned one, but I've met quite a few and every single one has formed a close bond with its family. Pugs - gotta love those mugs! For more info on pugs, check out PugSavers, a pug rescue organization serving Northern California & Northern Nevada.

I listed "Pug Mug" earlier this week, so the auction only has a couple of days left and there's Who Me - mixed media watercolor ACEO by Ann Ranlettalready a bid. "Who Me?" was just listed today. View my current eBay listings


AnnRan March 4, 2007 at 4:26 PM  

Both pug ACEOs have sold. Thanks to both buyers (one being a repeat customer) who are pug fans and supporters of eBay artists.


- - - All art and images ©Ann Ranlett, unless otherwise credited. All rights reserved. - - -
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