Black Knight, White Knight - Colorful Chess Pieces

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Black Knight - color pencil ACEO by Ann RanlettI created these 2 ACEOs for the eBay ATC/ACEO Enthusiasts Group's "Games" challenge that ended on Saturday. Each week the group has a different challenge (this week it happens to be "Blue", the week before, I think it was "Goddess"). Challenges encourage us to think outside of the box a bit and the only rule is that we have to include the challenge word in the title of the eBay auction listing and have some explanation about the group/challenge in our listing description. We also hope it will draw additional attention to the world of ACEOs with the "strength in numbers" concept: buyers will see a number of pieces with the same word in the title and be curious enough to check them out.

I started by taking a photo of the white knight from my chess set. I decided to work in color pencil and to use bright colors for the drawings and I wanted to do both the black and white knights, so I needed a dark version and a light version. I brought the photo into Photoshop and skewed the colors to get the shades I wanted for the black knight. Then I mirror- imaged that version and "inverted" the colors to get the shades I wanted for the white knight. Notice how inverting the colors reversed the color schemes.

photo of chess piece Photoshopped version of the photo for Black Knight Inverted version of the photo for White Knight

White Knight - color pencil ACEO by Ann RanlettI chose bright, complimentary colors for the backgrounds and used some of the same shades of yellow & blue color pencils for both drawings.
I created a video showing the steps in drawing White Knight. Watch the video on YouTube.

The eBay auctions for both knights end at 10:45 am on May 26th.


AnnRan May 27, 2007 at 1:19 PM  

Neither knight sold at auction, so they're now available in my store:

- - - All art and images ©Ann Ranlett, unless otherwise credited. All rights reserved. - - -
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