Frog, Lizard & Pug

Sunday, May 27, 2007

A random collection of critters . . .

"Envy Green" a mixed media ACEO of a green Tree Frog (aka Pacific Chorus Frog). I used a sepia colored Micron ink pen, watercolor and color pencil for this one.
Envy Green - mixed media drawing by Ann Ranlett
Original sold, but magnets are available here.

My friend Sandy provided the wonderful reference photo for this drawing.
On the left is her original photo and on the right you can see how I flipped, rotated and cropped her photo to use as the reference for the art.
original frog photo - copyright Sandy O'Bleness cropped photo

I've also put a video on YouTube. It shows the steps in creating this drawing. Watch the video


"Wrinkles" an ACEO pencil drawing of a pug

Wrinkles - pencil drawing by Ann Ranlett
Original sold, but prints are available here.


A listing in my Etsy shop:

And speaking of amphibians & reptiles (not sure how the pug got in here), thought I'd share this young western skink too. This is a photo I took of a skink I found near our garden. I know it's a youngster because of the blue tail. As they mature, the blue tail becomes brown. I'm offering limited edition ACEO-sized prints (2.5" x 3.5") of this photo. I'll only print 36 at this size and each print is signed and numbered.
Western Skink - photo by Ann Ranlett
click here to purchase


AnnRan June 7, 2007 at 10:21 AM  

Both Envy Green & Wrinkles have sold. Purchased by a wonderful eBay member who has quite a collection of art by eBay artists!


- - - All art and images ©Ann Ranlett, unless otherwise credited. All rights reserved. - - -
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