More ACEOs - Including My Interpretation of Day of the Dead Art

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

A Fair Day - pen & ink ACEO by Ann RanlettJust a quick post to share 2 ACEOs that are currently available on eBay. The first is a different version of the orange & purple goats from my last post. I really liked the way the cropped image turned out so I decided to try another ACEO of the goats. This time I mirror imaged the reference photo and used 3 shades of ink pen for the drawing. This one is titled "A Fair Day" and it's available 'til May 11 at 6:30 pm.

The other ACEO subject is something new for me - I tried it because one of the eBay art groups looks for ways to "cross-promote" ACEOs - hoping someone will happen across them when looking for something else, wonder "hmmmm . . . what is an ACEO?" and find out more about them. So this cross-promo is "Day of the Dead" and my entry is "Dog of the Dead". I used a real coyote skull for reference and looked up Day of the Dead art on the internet to get some ideas of typical patterns, colors, etc. I'm quite pleased with the way it turned out!

Dog of the Dead - ink & color pencil ACEO by Ann RanlettClick here for my current ACEO auctions.


AnnRan June 19, 2007 at 2:08 PM  

"A Fair Day" (goats) has sold.

"Dog of the Dead" is available in my eBay store:


- - - All art and images ©Ann Ranlett, unless otherwise credited. All rights reserved. - - -
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