"Doxie Face" Dachshund Pup ACEO

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

"Doxie Face" is my latest ACEO (miniature format: 2.5" x 3.5"). I used graphite pencil to create this original drawing of a cute wiener dog pup.

20% of the final sale price will benefit Greyhound Friends for Life, a local greyhound rescue organization that I support.

Click on the image to see the auction.

Gorilla Art Auction: Results

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The Art Helping Mountain Gorillas art auctions on eBay are over and we raised a grand total of $2180! Over 30 artists listed work and there were well over 100 items listed. The auctions didn't get as much action as we would've liked, but we're pleased with the final dollar amount. That money should go a long way toward helping the rangers protect the gorillas. This is not the end of our efforts though - we're looking into other ways to raise funds and we'll probably have more eBay auctions down the road. We're also going to be listing some of our work on another art auction site: ArtByUs. There are just a few items there now (none of mine, yet) - search "WDGP" to find the auctions.

As a result of our promotion of the first wave of gorilla art auctions, the Sacramento Bee contacted me and ran an article about my art and my involvement in the Art Helping Mountain Gorillas and Art for Critters groups. Read the article.

The leader of the Art Helping Mountain Gorillas group had put together a press release for us to send out. I sent it to a few folks and it found its way to Cynthia Hubert, a reporter for the Bee. She called me to find out more and we had a wonderful conversation - we must've talked for at least half an hour. I'm very happy with the way the article turned out - Cynthia did an excellent job of distilling our conversation into a cohesive article that focused on the gorilla art project and Art for Critters.

Well that's it on the gorilla-helping frontlines for now, but stay tuned, the Art Helping Mountain Gorillas web site will be updated as we have more to report.

Sacramento Bee Article About Me & Art Helping Mountain Gorillas

Monday, September 17, 2007

I'm thrilled to report that the Sacramento Bee ran an article about me, my art and my involvement in the Art Helping Mountain Gorillas and Art for Critters groups.

Click here to read the Bee's on-line article. You may have to log in or register in order to read it. If you'd prefer not to do that or if the link is no longer live, I've taken the text and put it on this page.

The leader of the Art Helping Mountain Gorillas group put together a press release for us to send out. I sent it to a few folks and it found its way to Cynthia Hubert, a reporter for the Bee. She called me to find out more and we had a wonderful conversation - we must've talked for at least half an hour. I'm very happy with the way the article turned out - Cynthia did an excellent job of distilling our conversation into a cohesive article that focused on the gorilla art project and Art for Critters.

The Bee also ran this image along with the article.
Gorilla Gaze #2 by Ann Ranlett

Art Helping Mountain Gorillas - eBay Art Auctions

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Join me and over 30 artists from around the world for an eBay art auction to help raise funds for mountain gorillas.

September 8th through 18th you can bid on a wonderful selection of art created by a talented group of international artists. Buy some great art and help a family of mountain gorillas from the comfort of your own home.

10 - 100% of the final price of any item sold from this set of auctions will benefit the gorillas. The money goes to Wildlife Direct, the organization which is coordinating the donations. I've commited to donating 50% of the final selling price of my art.

Visit the Art Helping Mountain Gorillas web site for additional information about the gorilla's plight, Wildlife Direct, this fund-raising project and to see a slideshow of the wonderful art that will be available.

All auctions will have WDGP (Wildlife Direct Gorilla Protection) in the title, so you can use that for your keyword search.

All my auctions will have WDGP Ranlett in the title.

Here are two of the items I'll have listed:

a graphite pencil ACEO (small format drawing 2.5" x 3.5")
Gorilla Gaze No. 2, pencil drawing by Ann Ranlett

and a black scratchboard ACEO
Gorilla Gaze No. 2, scratchboard drawing by Ann Ranlett

Most auctions will start around 6 pm on the 8th, but a few will start earlier in the day. Some may not start until later in the time frame (new art will probably be added after the 8th), but all will end on the 18th.

If you aren't interested in purchasing any art, but would just like to help, visit Wildlife Direct to find out more. Thank you for your interest & support!

- - - All art and images ©Ann Ranlett, unless otherwise credited. All rights reserved. - - -
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