"Young Schutzhund" - German Shepherd (GSD) Puppy

Friday, April 25, 2008

One last ACEO for April; this one of an adorable young German Shepherd (GSD - German Shepherd Dog) is titled "Young Schutzhund". "Schutzhund" (German for "protection dog") is a K9 sport created to train and evaluate dogs for their abilities in police work, tracking, search and rescue, agility, protection, etc. Schutzhund was created specifically to evaluate GSDs for their skills in these areas, although dogs of any breed can compete. Rottweiler, Belgian Malinois, Belgian Tervuren, Doberman Pinscher and Giant Schnauzer are some of the more common breeds you might see in a Schutzhund competition. I met this handsome guy at a Schutzhund event in Lincoln CA last year - the event was put on by the Placer County Schutzhund Club.

German Shepherd pup - graphite pencil drawing by Ann Ranlett
graphite pencil, 2.5" x 3.5" (standard ACEO format)
click on the little Schutzhund to see the auction listing

As an Art for Critters listing, a portion of the proceeds from the sale of this drawing benefits Greyhound Friends for Life

This drawing serves double duty - to draw attention to both the Art for Critters and the Dog Art Show (aka K9Art) groups on eBay. I chose to draw this particular breed because it's one of the three breeds for the April Dog Art Show's "Best In Breed" competition. Each month, three dog breeds are chosen for group competition and members create their rendition of the breeds. Click here to see other art by members of this dog-loving group.


- - - All art and images ©Ann Ranlett, unless otherwise credited. All rights reserved. - - -
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