Hairy Dogs

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Did you know that dog fur can be made into yarn? I did, but the neat thing is that I recently found a seller on Etsy that was able to use some of Magpie's furry undercoat to create a ring. Magpie is our border collie. I was browsing Etsy ("the place for all things handmade") and came across the "fuzzy friend ring" offered in Baloo's shop. Carolyn is the proprietor of the shop, Baloo is one of her dogs. I contacted Carolyn to see if she could make a ring with some of Magpie's fur and she agreed. I brushed Magpie over a few weeks' time to get enough fur and sent it off to Carolyn. Within a couple of weeks, I had my cool ring! I had also "harvested" enough Magpie fur for Carolyn to make a cuff bracelet.

Magpie and her product - that's my arm

My Fuzzy Friend Ring made with Magpie fur - photo by Carolyn of

I'm really happy with Magpie's "product" and Carolyn's work - if you're looking for a unique keepsake of (from?) your canine friend(s), this is it! Click here to find out more. If this item (my ring & cuff) is no longer listed, try this link.

And while we're on the subject of dog hair, my most recent drawing was an ACEO (small format drawing) of an Irish Wolfhound. They're quite the hairy dogs and this was a fun one to draw! The ACEO has already sold and is on its way to Canada; I didn't get around to posting it here before the eBay auction closed.

If you'd like your own version of this shaggy dog drawing, it's available as a magnet in my CafePress shop. I have a selection of my artwork on magnets in the shop. Click here to see them.

Irish Wolfhound - pencil drawing by Ann Ranlett


- - - All art and images ©Ann Ranlett, unless otherwise credited. All rights reserved. - - -
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