Art on Air & Fabric

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Art on air would be my interview on KAHI radio, AM 950 in Auburn, CA. BK England a fellow artist who specializes in equine portraits, invited me to the studio as a guest of her KAHI Corral radio show on September 13th. We discussed art & horses, including my participation in the Mural Mosaic project and the drawing I had in the art show at the Draft Horse Classic.

Click here to listen to the interview, it's about 20 minutes long.

These are links to people and other things mentioned in the interview:
Candice Bohannon
Julio Reyes
Autumn Art Studios Tour
Draft Horse Classic
Mural Mosaic - Le Cadeau du Cheval


Ann Ranlett's Paintings with Petzazz fabric available at Colfax Cloth & Quilt Company

And the fabric would be my "Paintings With Petzazz" sampler now available on Daydreams Fabric through Colfax Cloth & Quilt Company.


Giftbearer October 1, 2008 at 11:35 PM  

That's neat how you do all these animals in bright colors!

Carmella has had her procedure! Comments welcome! Also, Check Carmella-cam tonight (Thursday evening).

- - - All art and images ©Ann Ranlett, unless otherwise credited. All rights reserved. - - -
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