Jack Russell Terrier Drawing

Saturday, October 11, 2008

My latest ACEO (small format drawing) is titled "Happy Jack" - a jolly Jack Russell Terrier. I took the reference photo of a local breeder's dog when I was over there last year taking photos of a litter of pups. Lyndy of Kingmont Terriers lets me know when there are pups so I can head over there to take pix and spend some quality puppy time. She also needed some conformation type photos of her adult dogs, so I have photos of them as well. This dog is Gangsters Tevis of Kingmont (Tevis).

Jack Russell Terrier drawing by Ann Ranlett

2.5" x 3.5" graphite pencil drawing
Click on the image to see the listing.

I suppose you'd like to see some puppy photos too. Happy to oblige; these little cuties were 6 weeks old at the time:

Jack Russell Terrier pup, photo by Ann Ranlett

Jack Russell Terrier pup, photo by Ann Ranlett

Jack Russell Terrier pup, photo by Ann Ranlett


- - - All art and images ©Ann Ranlett, unless otherwise credited. All rights reserved. - - -
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