15th Annual Autumn Art Studios Tour

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

It's that time of year again - I'm spinning a bit as I prepare for the Studios Tour this weekend (Nov 8 & 9). I enjoy participating in the Tour, but there's a lot to do to get ready for it. Today I scanned 2 goat paintings that I finished yesterday.
Goat #1, painting by Ann Ranlett
"Goat #1"

Goat #2, painting by Ann Ranlett
"Goat #2"
Both are ink, watercolor & color pencil on watercolor art board, 4" x 4"
The originals are still available (didn't sell at the Studios Tour), and they're also available as magnets in my Zazzle shop.

I also went to the Auburn Old Town Gallery to swap out work so I could have just the right assortment of originals, reproductions and price points available for purchase during the Tour. This evening I was working on a new painting. I won't get that painting done & framed in time for the Tour, but I want to have some in-progress pieces available to discuss with visitors. I'll also have a number of pet portraits in a variety of media in different stages of completion. Since the bulk of my work is pet portraits, I like to have samples on hand to show my process.

I've lost count, but this is probably my 10th year participating in the Tour - it's an annual event in southwest Placer County (CA). Sponsored by PlacerArts, art afficionados purchase a ticket and receive a map that guides them to the artists participating in the Tour. This year we have 86 artists showing at 55 locations. Most artists show at their own studios or homes, but some show at group locations - I'm going to be set up at a local Grange Hall with 4 other artists. You can find out more about our group of artists and others in the surrounding area at the web site I set up: GoldHillArtists.com

Another new piece I completed for the Tour is a triptych (3 part) ink on scratchboard drawing of a blue oak acorn & leaves. I created this drawing especially for the Tour preview show - a show featuring a sampling of work from nearly all of the artists on the Tour. The preview show is at Roseville Arts! Blue Line Gallery in Roseville CA.

Blue Oak #1, scratchboard drawing by Ann Ranlett

Blue Oak #2, scratchboard drawing by Ann Ranlett

Blue Oak #3, scratchboard drawing by Ann Ranlett

Each drawing measures 4.5" square


artbyakiko November 19, 2008 at 7:29 PM  

Hi Ann! This is Akiko. You are tagged! Check my blog to see what that means. http://artbyakiko.blogspot.com

- - - All art and images ©Ann Ranlett, unless otherwise credited. All rights reserved. - - -
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