Buy Some Art - Help Some Kitties!

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Art for FieldHaven Feline Rescue

FieldHaven, my favorite local feline rescue facility needs to come up with $150,000 to remove the trailer that currently serves as their shelter and replace it with a new building. When I learned of this, I knew I could help by spearheading a set of eBay auctions with part of the proceeds going to FieldHaven. I was involved in a similar auction project last year as part of a group of artists raising funds to help a family of gorillas in the African Congo. So it was very helpful to have the basic structure of that project to apply to the FieldHaven effort. Click here to find last year's blog posts about the gorilla project (scroll down past the post with the dachshund art).

I decided on "Art for FieldHaven Feline Rescue (A4FH)" as the name and started a group on eBay. We are an international group of 26 artists who sell our art on eBay. The auctions will run from September 6th through September 15th with FieldHaven receiving anywhere from 10 - 100% of the final price of items sold.

This is one of the original ACEOs I'll have listed - a scratchboard drawing of a kitten.

I'm almost finished with another ACEO in pencil, and I'll have prints, note cards and earrings with my cat art as well.

To find our art, search "A4FH" in eBay's search bar
or select an image from either screen below

My A4FH Auctions:

All A4FH Auctions

You can visit the A4FH blog for a list of participating artists and more info.


- - - All art and images ©Ann Ranlett, unless otherwise credited. All rights reserved. - - -
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