Raising Funds to Rescue Moon Bears

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

This post is not as happy and lighthearted as most, but I want to share a cause I recently joined. I won't go into a lot of detail, because it's disturbing, but moon bears in China & Vietnam are kept in tiny cages in "bile farms" so their bile can be collected. It's a horrible existence for these bears and I can't understand how anyone could think this inhumane treatment is acceptable. Fortunately, for the bears, there is the Animals Asia Foundation (AAF), which rescues and provides sanctuary for the bears from the bile farms.

I don't even recall how I found out about this, but I was drawn to the cause and joined the Ursa Freedom Project (UFP) when I learned they had an "Art for Bears" sub-group. I know there are plenty of animals in our country that are suffering, and for that reason, I usually choose to support local animal rescue organizations, but something about the moon bears got my attention. UFP is working directly with AAF to raise money to help the bears.

Jasper's Wish logo

Our fund-raising push right now is to raise $9,000 - enough money to sponsor a rescued bear for a year. On March 20, in 24 hours, we raised nearly $1,000 for (AAF) - so now, over a 6-day period (April 19 - 25), we're hoping we can raise more during our Earth Day Bear Sponsorship.

If you'd like to help, you can make a donation to UFP/AAF via PayPal - thank you!

Jasper photo
This is Jasper - UFP's official mascot, happy and safe in his hammock at the AAF bear sanctuary in Chengdu, China.

I have one piece of moon bear art finished and am working on a couple more - when they're finished, they'll be available for purchase with a portion of the proceeds going to AAF. The plan is for a number of artist members of UFP to sell art to benefit the bears, when I have more details and dates for that, I'll post it.

Rosie - mixed media drawing by Ann Ranlett
My drawing of Rosie, one of the rescued Moon Bears.
2.5" x 3.5", ink, watercolor, color pencil

Rosie - photo courtesy of AAF


Melody Lea Lamb April 23, 2009 at 9:02 AM  

The very best of luck with this honorable task Ann!! I'll do whatever I can for the bears. Thanks for looking after them.

Anonymous April 25, 2009 at 4:11 PM  

Dear Ann, I get the URSA bear project emails and AnimalsAsia.org emails. I've donated to AAO for a year now. I would love to purchase one of your blue Rosie prints or lithographs. We have two Blue Dog paintings and a print of a blue Warhol cat and the blue bear would be a perfect addition! Please put me on your mailing list when it becomes available!

Thanks, Kim (EyeDrKim@aol.com)

mizhenka March 31, 2011 at 6:13 PM  

Those poor bears - that's so awful. I wish you luck with the fundraising. The drawing of Rosie is beautiful.

- - - All art and images ©Ann Ranlett, unless otherwise credited. All rights reserved. - - -
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