One More Moon Bear Drawing

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

UPDATE - 6/6/09 - the original drawing didn't sell on eBay, so I've moved it to my Bonanzle booth. Click on the image to see the listing.

This ACEO pencil drawing of "Hans" is now available on eBay. Click the image to see the auction listing.

"Hans" - 2.5" x 3.5" pencil drawing

Although it doesn't say in the listing (because eBay is touchy about charity listings, and I don't have an official letter from the charitable organization), I will donate &8 of the final sale price of "Hans" to Animals Asia Foundation to benefit their moon bear rescue efforts. You can read more about AAF in my previous post.

I listed my other moon bear ACEOs (see previous post) on ArtByUs, but I've decided to go back to eBay for this one. Although I like ArtByUs and there are no listing or commission fees, there's also no traffic. My drawing of Rosie has a bid, but that's it - disappointing to say the least. That bid is only because of a moon bear fan who had asked to be notified when that drawing became available. I'm trying to raise money to help the bears, so let's hope this new drawing sees a bit more action. If you'd like to buy other moon bear art, please visit my Bonanzle booth where I have reproductions of my Hans and Rosie drawings and the original Lia drawing.

This is the reference photo of Hans - provided by AAF.


Mishkat May 26, 2009 at 2:25 PM  

All three moon bear ACEO's are wonderful! I particularly like the one of Lia. And thanks so much for helping the Animals Asia Foundation.

Anonymous May 27, 2009 at 12:15 AM  

All the Moon Bears are beautiful,such beautiful eyes and I wish you much luck with the sales, the foundation will be surely pleased with whatever it raises.

Linda June 5, 2009 at 2:35 AM  

Sensitive, Beautiful artwork .Lindax

- - - All art and images ©Ann Ranlett, unless otherwise credited. All rights reserved. - - -
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