Abba - Dearly Missed

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

My latest little portrait is of Abba, a parti-color (two- or three-toned with white) Cocker Spaniel.

Abba - 3" x 3", in graphite pencil on bristol

Abba had passed away and her owner (I know him from the Auburn Old Town Gallery) asked if I could do a small portrait of her to go on the box that holds her ashes. I'm honored that he asked me to create this memorial portrait of his dog. I never met Abba, but I know she meant a lot to him. She was a beautiful girl too, as evident from the photos her owner provided - look at that shiny, wavy coat! I settled on this photo to use, since it showed her face best:

I rotated the photo a bit, so her eyes were level, and I cropped it so that the circle on the box would frame her face. However, I drew the portrait in square format. Her owner will get the original portrait as a square, and a print that he can put in the circle on the box.

This is the greyscale version, so I can see the tones better.

These types of portraits are bittersweet to do - although I never met the dog, I know all too well how difficult it is to lose a beloved pet. I'm aware of that as I work on the portrait and often think of my own pets that have passed. But I'm also happy to provide a piece of art that captures a cherished animal friend.


Jennifer Rose August 12, 2009 at 12:43 PM  

good job with those fluffy ears :) it is hard to work on animals that have passed away, either because of horrible reference pictures but usually because of the emotions the drawing can trigger

PoozyBear August 13, 2009 at 9:58 AM  

That's a beautiful drawing, Ann. I'm sure that Abba's owner's will treasure it. It's a lovely tribute to their beloved pet.

Unknown August 13, 2009 at 5:39 PM  

Beautiful job. sad that Abba passed away. Yes indeed an honour for you to do this piece.

He will be so happy with this.

- - - All art and images ©Ann Ranlett, unless otherwise credited. All rights reserved. - - -
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