A Day at the Western States HorseExpo

Monday, June 14, 2010

Sandy and I spent yesterday at the Western States HorseExpo. In addition to wandering around, taking photos, petting dogs and horses, shopping and eating, we spent some time hanging out the "Dogs Pavilion" for dog-related businesses and rescue groups.

These dogs were at the Lake County Animal Services booth:

Considering we were at HorseExpo, I got surprisingly few decent horse photos. The only horse photos I took were at a Tennessee Walker breed demo. We saw lots of great horses though, including: a mini horse mare and her even "minier" foal - the foal had a very cute spotted rump, a gorgeous palomino quarter horse mare and her chestnut foal - also very cute, mini horses pulling carts, and a barn full of horses from the Grace Foundation that need homes (we petted almost every one of them).

I'd like to say I wanted the horse's ears cropped off, but I'd be lying. We were outside the corner of the arena fence, trying to photograph the horses through the railing as they went by. Still, I like the silver on the bridle and flaring nostrils in this photo - I see potential for an interesting drawing. This horse was a gorgeous dark palomino color.

It was a satisfying day spent with a dear friend, good people and plenty of critters. As much fun as it is to spend time with other animals, I'm always happy to get home and see my two:

Magpie the 8-year-old Border Collie

Bess the 27-year-old Quarter Horse


- - - All art and images ©Ann Ranlett, unless otherwise credited. All rights reserved. - - -
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