Dog Day Afternoon

Saturday, June 05, 2010

Today my friend Sandy & I went to the "Wag 'n' Walk" event in Grass Valley at the Nevada County Fairgrounds. Sponsored by AnimalSave (animal rescue) and Lazy Dog Ice Cream, this event was a day of "fun, food & games for dogs and their people". Never ones to miss photo opportunities, we took our cameras to see what kinds of dog photos we could get. We met and petted quite a few dogs, chatted with their owners and took some photos. Most unusual for us, we didn't buy any Lazy Dog ice cream. It's good stuff and we always get some when we go to the Draft Horse Classic at the Fairgrounds. But today, we stopped at South Pine Cafe in Grass Valley for lunch after the Wag 'n' Walk.

Dogs in the obedience demo put on by Top Dog Obedience School

Welsh Corgi - the photo's a little blurry, but the dog's expression is really cute

Bird's eye view of a French Bulldog

Border Collie - this is my favorite photo of the day


Anonymous June 20, 2010 at 8:18 PM  

Mmmmmm, Lazy Dog ice cream...

- - - All art and images ©Ann Ranlett, unless otherwise credited. All rights reserved. - - -
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