Pit Bull Pup - Scratchboard Drawing

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Just a quick blog update today. In my previous post, I shared an in-progress image of this guy. Now he's finished! This is a 5" x 5" drawing on Ampersand Scratchbord. After scratching to block things in, I re-inked with dots (stippling) and a few scribbles to darken certain areas. Then I scratched more to soften the stippling and achieve the final result.

I'm excited about framing this one and the companion piece (his sister, also in the previous post) because when I visited my favorite frame shop (Wholesale Art & Framing in Rocklin, CA), the owner helped me pick out a gorgeous grey suede mat. I never would have thought to go with grey, since I usually use black or white for my scratchboards, but the grey looks wonderful.

Here are a couple of details of the drawing:

Here's a video of the drawing process:


Jeniep September 10, 2018 at 6:17 PM  

Ann, what did you use for his whiskers? This is amazing, especiallly the dark muzzle but still all of the detail.

AnnRan September 10, 2018 at 7:11 PM  

Thank you, Jenie! The original has even more detail in the muzzle than this scan. "Dark on dark" doesn't always show in the scans. I used a Rapidograph technical pen for his whiskers.

- - - All art and images ©Ann Ranlett, unless otherwise credited. All rights reserved. - - -
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