Scratchy Connections and Art

Saturday, March 03, 2012

I've been in the scratchboard zone recently and it has led to a lovely article about my work. Through sharing my scratchboard works on the Ampersand Art Product's Facebook page (and group page), I made a connection with their marketing gals and it resulted in this post on Ampersand's blog. I'm truly honored to be featured and I've been very impressed with Ampersand's support of their artist customers.

In addition to the scratchboard Papillon portrait I finished recently, I joined the International Society of Scratchboard Artists (ISSA) and I've been working on two companion pieces for the April Auburn Art Walk. This one, of an 8-week-old pit bull pup, is finished and awaiting completion of her brother's portrait.

Currently Untitled, Pit Bull Pup, 5" x 5", ink on Ampersand Claybord

I met and photographed these two and their five other siblings at A New Hope Animal Foundation in 2010. They were rescued along with their mother and have since found new homes. They were 8-weeks-old at the time I took photos. This drawing isn't finished, but is a little further along than this scan. I still need to work on his face.

Work in Progress, Pit Bull Pup, 5" x 5", Ampersand Scratchbord
As is typical for me, I'm juggling a few projects (in various media) at once. I'm also creating a series of photo boards for the Art Walk (see them in my Art Walk show catalog) and nearing completion on this mixed media portrait.

Commission Work in Progress, Caesar, 5" x 5", Watercolor Art Board


Gail H. Ragsdale March 4, 2012 at 11:14 AM  

Ann, you have taken scratchboard to a new higher level! Beautiful pieces!

Anne March 17, 2012 at 6:26 PM  

The scratchboard works are just fabulous, Ann ~ one of these days I'm going to try it!
Awesome pieces!

- - - All art and images ©Ann Ranlett, unless otherwise credited. All rights reserved. - - -
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