An Afternoon at the Zoo

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

It was a gorgeous day for a trip to the Sacramento Zoo. I had four ostrich eggs to deliver for the Zoo's upcoming "Swingin' Safari" Golf Tournament. The eggs (with pen & ink drawings of Black & White Ruffed Lemurs) will be given out as awards. The Zoo is about 45 minutes away, so I don't always take the eggs there, sometimes I'll meet a Zoo staffer halfway for the hand-off. But I hadn't been to the Zoo yet this year, so today was a good day to make the trek.

This is my second batch of four eggs this year; the first four had roadrunners on them. For the remainder of the year, there are four individual eggs for various events - each with a different animal. Each year, Zoo staff commissions about a dozen ostrich eggs. Over the years I've been doing this, that adds up to well over 200 eggs! You can see some eggs from past years on this web page. And there are a couple of blog posts also.

When I go to the Zoo, I always take my camera. Here are some photos from today:


Gail H. Ragsdale May 2, 2012 at 4:22 AM  

Wow, Ann! Your zoo eggs are incredible! What neat gifts to give out.

My sister used to live in El Dorado Hills (kept her horse in Grass Valley I think) and we went to the Sacramento Zoo back in 91'. Long time ago but I remember it well.

AnnRan May 2, 2012 at 11:38 AM  

Thanks Gail!

I love the Sac Zoo, it's small, but nice. I worked there many years ago - first as a volunteer keeper's aide then as paid admin staff.

- - - All art and images ©Ann Ranlett, unless otherwise credited. All rights reserved. - - -
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