My Poor, Neglected Blog
Thursday, May 24, 2012
I haven't forgotten about my blog, and I'd really like to post more than twice a month, but that's just not happening, so I apologize! I've been more active on Facebook, so if you'd like to see my updates there, please become a fan.
Here's what's been in the hopper lately:
- Setting up my own permanent studio space (see photos in my Facebook album). I had a Grand Opening event earlier this month.
- This scratchboard drawing of our Border Collie, Magpie, for the International Society of Scratchboard Artists' 1st Annual Exhibition. I shot video of this drawing in progress and scanned it at various stages, so eventually there will be a video of the process.
- A logo (still in progress) for HartSong Ranch Animal Sanctuary
- Ostrich eggs for the Sacramento Zoo. See the lemur eggs in an earlier post. There was also this set of four roadrunners, a red panda and a thick-billed parrot. Still left to do this year are a zebra, a ring-tailed lemur and a jaguar.

- Formatting the Annual Report for FieldHaven Feline Rescue (just getting started on that)
- Finally finished a watercolor on Yupo painting of a beagle that I started as a demo years ago. This painting is available, more details here.

- Working through my list of assorted commissioned pet portraits. At the moment, I'm working on scratchboard drawing of a cat and a watercolor on Yupo painting of a goat.
- Contemplating what I'll do as a demo at the ISSA workshop
- Also contemplating what to enter in this year's "Art at the Classic" art show at the Draft Horse Classic. I'd better get cracking on that, because the deadline is July 1st.
That covers it for now, but it seems that something new & interesting always crops up!
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