Truly an Honor!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

I'm proud to announce that my scratchboard diptych, "Sleeping Patterns" won an Award of Excellence in the Open Division at the International Society of Scratchboard Artists' (ISSA) exhibit in Vancouver, British Columbia! You can read more about the drawing in this post. The award truly is an honor because the judges in the open division were three of the ISSA Master-level scratchboard artists (MSA) who are my peers and artists I respect and admire. This drawing was one of those pieces that "all came together" from the moment I saw the reference photo and I couldn't be more pleased with the way it turned out. To win an award for it is icing on the cake!
John & I were able to travel to Vancouver to see the exhibit and hang out with the 20+ ISSA members who attended the artists' reception at the Federation of Canadian Artists' gallery. We rented a car and drove and had a wonderful time. On Saturday and Sunday following the reception, ISSA presented demos by 7 members, including myself. I demonstrated a couple of my techniques, including how to add color to a board. You can see that board in the second of these photos from my demo. I've since finished the drawing, a portrait of a Toy Manchester Terrier. He'll be the subject of a future blog post. Thanks to Allan Ace Adams for taking photos during my demo.

See my previous post to read a bit more about why it's so fun to attend these ISSA events and to see my other two works that were in the exhibit. To see all of the exhibit entries, visit the ISSA Exhibition Preview.

- - - All art and images ©Ann Ranlett, unless otherwise credited. All rights reserved. - - -
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