International Society of Scratchboard Artist's 2nd Annual Exhibition

Monday, June 03, 2013

I'm honored to have 3 drawings in this juried exhibition and to be a Signature member (SSA) of the ISSA. Our 2nd annual exhibition opens tomorrow (June 4th) at the Federation of Canadian Artists' gallery in Vancouver, British Columbia. The show runs through June 23rd. I attended last year's inaugural exhibition in California and it was fantastic (read about it here). To be able to see an entire show of nothing but scratchboard art is such a treat and scratchboard really needs to be seen "live" to appreciate the level of detail and see the scratching involved. Not to mention the joy of having a chance to meet and hang out with other scratchboard artists. We have chosen an uncommon medium, so there aren't many of us around to get together in our own neighborhoods. I'll be attending again this year and will be one of the participating artists in the workshop/demos. I presented a demo last year as well. If you're interested, you can purchase my demo video and others at a very reasonable cost.

You can see all the works that have been accepted in the show here.
Below are my drawings that were accepted (click on any image to find out more):
"Kili Man Jaro", 5" x 7"

"Sleeping Patterns", 8" x 16" (each half is 8" x 8")
"Baby Face", 3" x 5"


tipota June 9, 2013 at 9:52 AM  

Saw the graphite cat drawing "Merlin" at ESBQ, and then followed the link to your blog here, and just wanted to say your work is amazing, what a delight to see! Was just wondering if you studied in an art school or not?
If yes, your talent has to be more than anything that could be taught, if no, you have an incredible ability to see and outstanding hand/eye— either way both are true

AnnRan June 9, 2013 at 1:25 PM  

Thank you for your kind words! I appreciate that you took the time to find my blog and to comment. I'm mostly self-taught, although I have taken some art classes and workshops over the years.

fine art photography online gallery August 20, 2013 at 12:08 AM  

Awesome blog for painting.

- - - All art and images ©Ann Ranlett, unless otherwise credited. All rights reserved. - - -
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