Happy Valentine's Day!

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Chocolate Lab - watercolor on Yupo by Ann RanlettJust finished a painting that's been stuck in my head for a while (bouncing around in the background with lots of other flotsam & jetsam). With Valentine's Day approaching, I figured it was a good time to get it done and get it to the co-op Gallery where I show my work as it just might be the perfect present for someone to purchase! I'd been wanting to create a chocolate lab (as in Labrador Retriever) painting that wasn't just a brown lab, but a "chocolatey" lab. I've even had the reference photo picked out for quite some time (one of the photos I took a while back for a portrait of a cutie named Wrangler, who's actually a yellow lab).

So this is the result: "Chocolate Lab" a 4"x5" painting in watercolor on Yupo. I also used some interference red (irridescent) watercolor (Daniel Smith brand) in the background and on the heart on the pup's shoulder. There's just a touch of color pencil too. I'm usually not one to be schmoopy (Seinfeld reference), but the heart was appropriate for the season, so I added it.

I'm currently offering a matted print of "Chocolate Lab" on eBay along with some other critter art items. View my listing(s)

I'll be printing note cards too, but they're not yet posted in my web store. Please contact me if you're interested!


AnnRan February 24, 2007 at 11:29 AM  

The eBay auction for the "Chocolate Lab" matted print has ended, but the print is still available as is the original painting, please contact me if you're interested.


- - - All art and images ©Ann Ranlett, unless otherwise credited. All rights reserved. - - -
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