Million Dog Mosaic

Sunday, February 10, 2008

What if you take 1 million photos of dogs and mosaic them? You get an image of a dog, of course!

I recently found out about this project, sponsored by Pedigree (no, I'm not getting a kick-back for mentioning this). For every photo uploaded, $1 will benefit a shelter dog (up to $20,000). So far they have nearly 23,000 photos uploaded.

image from the Pedigree Million Dog Mosaic web site
This little cutie is the mosaic image. All the images that dog lovers upload to the site will be composited to make up this one large image.

I've uploaded mine! I used this drawing I did of my 6-week old Magpie (she's now 6 years old).
Future Herder - Magpie, pencil drawing by Ann Ranlett
Click on Magpie to find her image in the mosaic.

Once you're on that page, you can zoom out to see how all the photos make up the large image. And can add your own dog - go ahead, you know you want to!

And speaking of mosaics, I'm participating in a mosaic of equine paintings called the "Glory of Horses". It's very similar to the Million Dog Mosaic - but with a lot less pieces. The final mosaic will be 16 feet tall and 20 feet wide and will be made up of 240 individual 12 x 16 inch paintings, created by equine artists from around the world. I just received my panel today, I'll post more info and progress photos soon! To find out about this ambitious project, visit the Glory of Horses web site.


- - - All art and images ©Ann Ranlett, unless otherwise credited. All rights reserved. - - -
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