Greyhound Puppies!!!

Friday, June 20, 2008

A few weeks ago, I had the joyful opportunity to visit a litter of 10-week old greyhound puppies. The local greyhound rescue facility (I've blogged about them before), Greyhound Friends for Life GFFL) had a "puppy open house" to show off these adorable little dogs. I was also fortunate enough to visit a litter of pups at GFFL in 2007. It's rare to see greyhound pups, so these were "can't miss" events as far as I was concerned! Of course I invited my dog-loving friend Sandy and we headed to GFFL for some puppy fun and photography. We took lots of photos and had a wonderful visit - I can't tell you how many times we said "cute" in the nearly two hours we spent there!

My first artistic endeavor as a result of that visit is this small drawing of "Paddy", which I'm donating to GFFL for the silent auction at their upcoming fundraiser "A Weekend of Grace & Joy", June 27 - 29.

Paddy, 3 x 3 pencil drawing by Ann Ranlett

Although the original is no longer available, I've made Paddy note cards - find them and other greyhound art merchandise in my Etsy shop. I'll donate a portion of the sale from these items to GFFL.

I scanned the drawing as I worked on it, so I was able to create a WIP (work in progress) video of it. It's posted on YouTube, click here to see it.

I suppose you'd like to see some photos from greyhound pup-a-palooza? No problem!

Shamrock, photo by Ann Ranlett

Greyhound Pup, photo by Ann Ranlett

Greyhound Pup, photo by Ann Ranlett

Me and a friend, trying to take a photo of another pup, photo by Sandy O'Bleness


- - - All art and images ©Ann Ranlett, unless otherwise credited. All rights reserved. - - -
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