New Cat Art

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I've just finished two cat paintings: one is a commissioned portrait, the other is part of a series of new works that I'll hang in the Auburn Old Town Gallery in May.

This is Devlin, a Burmese and the third pet portrait completed for a client who's commissioned me to do portraits of her many pets. Quincy the Newfoundland and Eamonn the Great Dane's portraits are already finished. Next up will be an Irish Wolfhound and then there are some more cats.

Devlin, 6" x 7", Watercolor on Yupo

The dog portraits are realistic, but we decided to go the "Paintings with Petzazz" route for her cat portraits. That would explain why Devlin is various shades of purple and blue with a grass green background - I always paint the Petzazz portraits in a vibrant, limited palette on Yupo paper.

The second painting is of a cat from FieldHaven Feline Rescue - a wonderful local cat rescue and adoption facility. The reference photo was provided by Joy Smith, the director. I can always count on her for great photos of the kitties at FieldHaven.

I used ink, watercolor and color pencil on watercolor Art Board for this piece.

"The Eyes Have It", 5" x 5", Mixed Media on ArtBoard

Here's a video showing my steps to create this painting:

This painting along with this pig and four other new ones will be on display at the Auburn Old Town Gallery in May. You can find this image on items in my Zazzle shop.


Joy Smith at FieldHaven March 31, 2010 at 4:01 PM  

Great portrait Ann! Thanks so much for using my photo and adding so much personality and depth with your painting. I love the video - it makes appreciate how much work it is to create this wonderful artwork!


Katiez Furry Mewz April 6, 2010 at 8:45 PM  

Loved watching the kitty come to life in the video! Such a cute baby!

Katie Kat
of The Purple Kattery!

- - - All art and images ©Ann Ranlett, unless otherwise credited. All rights reserved. - - -
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