"The Green Snail of Happiness"

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

This is probably the most interesting commission I've received to date - a snail painting!

"The Green Snail of Happiness" - 4" x 4", Watercolor on Yupo with Colored Pencil

My client already owns one of my tomato paintings and my tobacco hornworm painting (see below). I ran into her at an Art Walk in Auburn and she wondered if I could paint a snail. Then she pulled out a photo of a snail that she carried in her purse (because it's cute). I did have to agree, the snail in the photo was cute! And, of course, I could do a snail painting - why not?

I immediately thought it should be in a style similar to the worm, so it would work as a "companion piece". My client agreed and I took her photo with me. I scanned the photo and returned it to her later. Then I took the scan and tweaked it in Photoshop to give it a look similar to what I'd done with the worm painting.

"Green Scourge" - 4" x 4", Watercolor on Yupo with Ink

I decided not to try to attempt the background pattern in the photo, but to make it similar to the worm's background. I made some changes to the foreground grasses also and had to extend them at the bottom so the painting would be square. This was not a situation where I tried to duplicate the photo, but I used it as a guide. Sure, it's a crazy painting, but I'm pleased with the result! And my client's response? Well, she's happy with her "Green Snail of Happiness": "I LOVE my happy little snail!!! He’s just so WONDERFUL!!

Click here to see the original photo and the Photoshopped version of the worm photo.


- - - All art and images ©Ann Ranlett, unless otherwise credited. All rights reserved. - - -
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